About NetRepublic!

The roots of the company date back to year 1999, when it started its existence as a regional retailer. Showing a strong commitment to our vision of becoming a key player on the market, we have quickly extended our retail network, expanded to wholesale and opened a Poland subsidiary. We are proud of being a reliable, strong and modern company with positive references throughout the whole Europe.

Since the beginning of our activity we specialize in the sale of mobile phones and tablets. We can adjust our offer for the most demanding partners. We are able to provide any product at the lowest market prices.

The company started with 1 shop, and a simple E-shop. By year 2011, the company had already 4 shops in Poland, 4 online shops, and we have launched also our wholesale division . We have many years of experience in the industry. Our goal is to completely understand and realize the needs of our customers. We are constantly expanding range of the products to become the leading distributor of consumer electronics in European market.

At each stage of cooperation with our company we provide professional advice and assistance. Our team is made up by passionates of new technologies, who will be happy to answer any questions and concerns.

Company vision is a well thought out offer, adjusted to each of the partners. Long-term relationships based on mutual trust and respect, openness and responsiveness are the most important principles of our business.

We build with our business partners long-term relationships based on mutual respect and constant contact.